Sunday, July 13, 2008

Weekly Meme No. 1

I plan to dedicate Sundays as my meme day. Thanks to Kathycot who "introduced" me to it.

This week's questions are book related....

1. Who are your favorite authors?
James Patterson, Sidney Sheldon, Nicholas Sparks

2. What are your favorite books?
Little Prince, Hope for the Flowers, Bridge to Terabithia

3. What kind of books do you tend to read?
Mystery, Newberry Medal Books

4. Do you prefer to borrow books from the library or buy them?
I buy them.

5. Do you prefer hardcover or paperback?
Paperback. It's easier to carry around.

6. What was the last book you read? What are you reading now?
Step on a Crack by James Patterson
Starting to read The Five People You Meet in Heaven by Mitch Albom

7. Do you read everyday?
I try.

8. On average how many books do you read per year?
At least 5 books.

9. Do you belong to any book clubs?
Not yet.

10. Recommend a good book.
Anything by James Patterson.

randomness...feed your mind and your blog

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