Kuya loves to eat, as you can see in the picture. He tries new food just as long as it smells okay to him. I've seen him eat raw veggies like cucumber dipped in vinegar and celery dipped in mayo. He even eats boiled camote tops with tomatoes, onions and fish paste.
Japanese food is not a problem since he can eat as many as 6 California maki rolls in one sitting. He also loves broccoli, cauliflower and sauce with anything. Last night, he dipped a cholocate wafer in pumpkin soup and loved it.
My Mickey Mouse Kowi is a picky eater. I don't blame her, she's at the horrible threes stage. But she will eat carrots and beans without much fuss. She loves to eat fruits. Her mid-morning snacks are either apples, bananas and grapes. Her afternoon snacks are Kuya's daily cheese cupcakes. The weird thing about her is that she loves peanut butter on bananas. Well, it's not really weird because that's the way I eat my bananas, too! Oh, she absolutely loves batchoy. Maybe she gets it from my dad's side of the family. They're Ilonggo.
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1.) Name something strange that your kids love to eat. Doesn’t matter how many.
2.) Post an image of him or her enjoying ‘the’ strange food liking. If none, just a photo of him having a feast.
3.) Add your kids name in the linky love with the blog where you posted this meme.
4.) Get back to Living the Healthy Life Blog by leaving a comment so your kids’ name be added to the master list.
5.) Tag as many of your friends with kids.
Kids who joined the fear food factor: ETHAN / MARTHA/ JJ/ Kuya and Kowi/ Your kids' names here with your blog URL
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