Ways To Save Money
I've been dreading to watch the news for these past few days and with good reason. It's all about how the world's economy is slowing down and how the financial markets are taking a dive.
Of course, this affects the common folk like me even if I'm thousands of miles away from Wall Street. As they say, (and I've heard from different sources many times this week) when Uncle Sam sneezes, the world will get a cold.
So, here are thirteen ways I'm saving money and stocking up on vitamin C.
13. Recycle.
12. Cook at home.
11. Shop on Ebay.
10. Sell my clutter on Ebay.
9. Stick to it -- the budget, the grocery list.
8. Leave credit cards at home.
7. Cut fuel expenses by scheduling errands and appointments.
6. Improve my DIY skills.
5. Cancel cable. (Or I'm considering it.)
4. Plan, plan, plan ahead.
3. Use compact fluorescent lamps.
2. Learn to say NO -- to designer brands, to whiny kids at the mall and to keeping up with the current trends.
1. Simplify.
Good luck to all of us.