Thursday, July 24, 2008

What melts my heart

Since I've decided to stay home and be with the kids, I noticed they became more expressive. Always hugging, kissing or just trying to stay close. In fact, Kowi has been my little shadow. She's there when I cook, she's there when I do the laundry. I definitely draw the line at the toilet, but she still hangs outside the door waiting for me to come out.

One day while doing the dishes, Kowi comes up to me and says, "Mom, I love you." Just out of the blue.

I was so touched. I put the plate down, dried my hands, knelt down and gave her a hug.

When the hugging fest was over, I started to get back to doing the dishes and then she added, "You're my best friend."

Kuya shows his affection differently from Kowi. It's not as direct. Well, maybe because he's already seven, he doesn't follow me around like a puppy. He prefers to do his own thing, like reading his K-Zone, draw or play with his action figures. But there are moments when he says he loves me without saying it.

Last week while I was tucking him into bed he said, "You know what, Mommy?"

"What, Kuya?" I said.

"I'm glad I am human 'cause I get to have a mom like you."

I hugged him and said, "Well, I'm glad I'm human, too. I love you."

These words truly melts my heart like chocolate in a double boiler. I just pray they stay that way forever. Lord, please...


Rowena Tadiarca said...

How I wish I could be a stay at home Mom.

Venus.Rivera said...

aaaawwww how sweet!! It made me cry and I imagined my daughter doing the same to me. :)